Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hard things, great things.

Life is a hard thing. It is. There are lovely moments, (and many more of those than the bad or hard moments), but life is not a piece of cake. Having established this, I firmly believe that having a positive outlook, and being able to spin things so you don't sweat the small stuff makes our lives a whole lot easier. But in doing that I think sometimes it's easy to begin to feel that you aren't allowed to have a bad day, to feel sad, to have a moment where you're just having trouble spinning things and you kind of just want to cry into your roommate's shoulder and eat a gallon of ice cream. That's completely okay. Were not perfect as much as we try to be. We cant fix everything as much as we try to. We can't heal everyone as much as we'd want to. All we can do is put our best selves out there each day and try to make the lives of others a little better, and make our lives better in doing so. A positive attitude doesn't mean you aren't ALLOWED to be sad. You are allowed a bad day. You are allowed to get knocked down. So long as you let others help you get up and you move on with an even greater determination to make your life everything you've ever wanted. 

Go and do and be and love. 

(Officially off my soapbox.) 

1 comment:

  1. I needed this reminder thank you :) Love this and love you!
