Sunday, December 23, 2012

My life lately (not solely according to instagram)

Some of the more glorious things about being home for Christmas break are as follows:

First off, I have been eating an obscene amount of these waffles. They are so ridiculously good. I feel many a waffle Sunday, waffles-for-dinner, waffle Wednesday, waffles every day theme emerging. Did I mention I have an obsession with breakfast food? P-town friends, when we're back at school, if ever you have a hankering for these guys let me know and I would be more than happy to oblige.

My name is Allison Garvey, and I am obsessed with Downton Abbey. But really, have you seen this show? It's amazing. Addicting. It's almost as great as Grey's. Don't worry, almost. You really should take a second (or about 55 minutes, to be exact) and watch an episode.

Getting to see this cutie again. She's so weirdly flexible. Really. Joints shouldn't move like that on a dog. 

Polar Express. Cocoa. Favorite mug. Christmas. 

Bringin' the 84604 back to the 916. Maybe we scrape every crumb we can out of pizookie tins. Is that so wrong? 

The making of the best dang chicken tortilla soup you've ever had in your entire life, I promise you.  (Before)

After! (I'll save you the image of me eating four bowls of  the stuff.)

On top of all that, it is windy and rainy and stormy here (crazy hur don't cur) which makes all the Christmas time fun a bit more wonderful. But I won't lie, I'm a little more than stoked to visit this girl in sunny, warm, rain-free socal in a few days.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas! (Harry Potter style.)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

To be grateful.

This post might seem a bit dull for some of you. For the most part, this is more of a reminder to myself that life is precious and fragile and we need to be the best we can, while we still can. I'm taking a moment to humble myself, to appreciate all of the amazing people and opportunities and things I have available to me. Taking a moment to appreciate all of the things I have been blessed with. To appreciate that I am alive, that I am here, that I can wake up again each day and try to be better than I was yesterday. The horrific occurrence that happened in Connecticut is what prompted this post. I have been thinking a lot today about that, and a thought came to me which has been hard to get out of my head.

I am still on this earth. There are 20 sweet, innocent, beautiful spirits whose time on this earth ended all too soon. But it got me thinking, I am still here, so what am I going to do about it? I have been given an opportunity each day that I wake up to make a change, to make a difference, to be a force for good in the world. We all have. It's a crucial and important responsibility we have to be the best we can be, for ourselves and for others. To be the kind of person that makes a difference, that does what they can to make even a small positive change in this world that is so ridden with different kinds of evil.

We can't stop those acts of evil from happening, as much as we'd like to. We can't take away the pain from tragedies we, or people that we care about experience. But we can make an effort each day to be our best, and do our best for others. I want to be the kind of person who takes full advantage of the fact that today, right now, I have been given a precious gift: to be here. To be present. To make a difference. That means something to me, and I'm not going to waste another day forgetting that fact.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The little things...

It's that time of year again. When my home suddenly turns into the library, there are study groups that keep me on campus until it's dark and I have to speed-walk my little self back to my apartment because I'm not appropriately dressed for when it's cold at night.

But. All of that aside. There are little things that I am truly so so grateful for. We're talking all my heart and soul, grateful for. And when I stop to think about it, I am immensely grateful for the opporutnity to go to school, and kill myself during finals.

1) This girl (and her cute lil' sista). They are truly two of the most exceptional people I know and I am beyond blessed to have them in my life. And the fact that they feed me honestly once a week, at minimum. I LOVE THEM.

2)The fact that I get to move in with this girl. She is also one of those exceptional people. She's unfailingly kind, generous, funny, and loving. And she also feeds me often. So good to me.

3)That I get to go home in about a week to meals that include glorious carbs and sweet treats abound. I love my momma and the fact that she loves to spoil me with wayyyy too much food.

4) I get to be reunited with my best friend in the whole world, who has been living in France...I know...for the past bagillion years. Or four months. Same thing, right?


Long story short, I am one lucky girl. It's interesting to think about how great our lives are when we take a second and think about those little things.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snow happens?

There is snow on the ground, people. Snow. 

I realize that this is a usual wintertime occurrence, but I grew up where winter boots and coats meant it had dropped to the 50's. HAUL OUT THE UGGS,PEOPLE. THIS IS SERIOUS. 

While the first snow has been an absolutely magical experience, I have to say, California did not prepare me well. I spent the majority of my day yesterday panicking about layers (or my lack of layers, if we're being precise) and I promise, I thought I was going to slip and die with every step I took. 

So. Things I have learned:

-When it comes to snow, not all boots are made equal. 
-There is nothing better than hot chocolate when it's cold outside. Really, nothing. 
-Layers are your FRIEND

All that aside, this snow is actually wonderful. I have shamelessly taken all kinds of photos to document the white fluffy goodness, which I'm obviously going to share with all of you. I know you're all just as excited as I am to see pictures of white trees and such. 

Never in my short little life have I woken up to such a pretty sight. 

These were my original choice for shoe wear yesterday. My roommate gently
reminded me that snow generally means you get wet. I learned quickly.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Oh how I have missed this wonderful month. 


There are officially 16 days until I sit my little bootayyy down on those teensy little Southwest airline seats and fly home for my favorite holiday of the entire year. Yeahyeahyeah. I'm pretty stoked about the whole deal.

Bear with me as I give y'all a little homage to the exciting-ness of this month:

These colors. Everywhere. But actually I'm pretty blessed to live in a place
where there are plenty of trees and plenty of color. Woot. 

This needs to explanation. When else do you get away with making a turkey cake? Exactly. 

Get excited kiddos! This is about to be the best Thanksgiving season y'all have ever had. I have a good feeling about it....even if you have to deal with lot'sa peeps and some weird casserole thing or some funky tradition you've never really understood. Embrace it. Love it. Ohhh yes.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I think I need to learn some time management.

It's confession time. I have a few pretty large assignments that I have to get done that I am currently not doing. Instead I am here, writing to all of you. Look! I love you all more than I love my schoolwork and therefore good grades and therefore my future!

Too much?

Anyways. You know that saying that goes something like if you have way too much to do you just shut down and take a nap? Well when I have too much to do I play this song over and over and over again. Who knew T-swizzle could make a song with dubstep! Baby dubstep. But still. I dig it. I haven't hit the 24 hour non-stop listening mark though, so we don't need to worry yet.

Happy listening my loves!

Monday, September 24, 2012

A bunch of happy stuff.

Hey kids! It's me again. Nope, I didn't die if that's what any of you were wondering, I just fail at blogging. Slash I've noticed that lately I spend every free minute between class and studying and working taking cat naps. Oops.

But uh anyways, I doubt many people want to read about my irregular sleeping habits! Onwards!

This is a very special post. It's a double-whammy of excitement and happiness so you peeps better be ready for it.

This beautiful creature's name is Brooke Eddington.

She is the older sister of my very best friend in the world, Annie. Here's a pic of them together, just so you have a visual.
They're cute, right? 
So. Brooke just got married to one of the nicest people I've ever met. And they're soul-mates. Seriously perfect for each other. Here's a picture of them together, so you have a good visual of that, too.

They're precious! Brooke is honestly one of the sweetest most wonderful people I've ever met. She's beautiful, kind, caring, and will make you laugh harder than you know you can. She and Mike are like the superstars of newlyweds. They're just awesome. Stalk them, meet them, get to know them.

Okay. Maybe don't stalk them. But you catch my drift. They're great people!

So here's the double whammy part. Brooke was kind enough to ask me to do her hair for this joyous event; I happily obliged!

It got me thinking, I love people, I love doing hair (I seriously do, its a weird characteristic of mine), and I love making joyous events more joyous (Because who doesn't love joy. That's just silly.) why not start doing... a little hair-...doing!

Bad grammar aside, I'm pretty excited about it. If you need your hair done or know someone who needs their hair done, for an event or for no particular reason at all, lemme know. I'll post pictures on my blog of hair I've done so y'all can see what you're getting yourselves into, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments or requests or you just want to talk about life.

Now to show you pictures of pretty hair and happy married people. Yay!

Throwback to high school. We were so cute! 

Ignore the underbite I've got goin' on and look at the hair.
I do weird things when I'm focusing. 

Just because they're way too cute and I may or may not be completely obsessed with them. 

Congratulations Brooke and Mike

You two are like peas in a pod. Oreos and cream. Perfect for each other. Thanks for letting me join in on the fun :) 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Maybe I should get a hobby.

I have been trying to be a little more proactive with my days lately. Mostly, I would like to avoid the I-ate-a-dozen-doughnuts-and-now-im-too-full-to-do-anything situation which I so frequently put myself in. 


Anyways. Today I was very productive. I flew home, unpacked, reunited with my lovely friends, went grocery shopping and cooked the fambam some dinner. But then I decided I needed a reward so for the past hour I've been sitting on my couch listening to this song on repeat, doing little else but staring at the ceiling. Again, oops. 

I promise this post has a point. I think. Basically, Imagine Dragons is one of my favorite bands. Their ability to be happy and haunting and hopeful and mournful all at the same time gives me the heebie jeebies in the best of ways. 

Well, friends. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's going down...

Ya know the chorus to the remix of Alors en Danse? The part where Kanye's all "we call this club titanic, why? cause it's going downnn...?" Ya? Mkay. Glad you remember. So one time I was in the car with my bestest friend and I guess I thought we needed to pump up the jams with a little more Kanye so I just kinda blurted that phrase out of nowhere. I'm so socially appropriate it kills me.


In completing my biology homework this week I realized that my feelings are encapsulated rather well in those lyrics. Because really all I wanna do is dance....but actually I'm glued to my laptop failing at grasping the concepts behind various forms of mutations in genetically engineered rabbit-rat hybrids. Don't ask.

Sometimes I start an assignment for that class and end up browsing Anthro while eating nutella out of the jar. And I'm not mad about it.