Sunday, December 23, 2012

My life lately (not solely according to instagram)

Some of the more glorious things about being home for Christmas break are as follows:

First off, I have been eating an obscene amount of these waffles. They are so ridiculously good. I feel many a waffle Sunday, waffles-for-dinner, waffle Wednesday, waffles every day theme emerging. Did I mention I have an obsession with breakfast food? P-town friends, when we're back at school, if ever you have a hankering for these guys let me know and I would be more than happy to oblige.

My name is Allison Garvey, and I am obsessed with Downton Abbey. But really, have you seen this show? It's amazing. Addicting. It's almost as great as Grey's. Don't worry, almost. You really should take a second (or about 55 minutes, to be exact) and watch an episode.

Getting to see this cutie again. She's so weirdly flexible. Really. Joints shouldn't move like that on a dog. 

Polar Express. Cocoa. Favorite mug. Christmas. 

Bringin' the 84604 back to the 916. Maybe we scrape every crumb we can out of pizookie tins. Is that so wrong? 

The making of the best dang chicken tortilla soup you've ever had in your entire life, I promise you.  (Before)

After! (I'll save you the image of me eating four bowls of  the stuff.)

On top of all that, it is windy and rainy and stormy here (crazy hur don't cur) which makes all the Christmas time fun a bit more wonderful. But I won't lie, I'm a little more than stoked to visit this girl in sunny, warm, rain-free socal in a few days.

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas! (Harry Potter style.)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

To be grateful.

This post might seem a bit dull for some of you. For the most part, this is more of a reminder to myself that life is precious and fragile and we need to be the best we can, while we still can. I'm taking a moment to humble myself, to appreciate all of the amazing people and opportunities and things I have available to me. Taking a moment to appreciate all of the things I have been blessed with. To appreciate that I am alive, that I am here, that I can wake up again each day and try to be better than I was yesterday. The horrific occurrence that happened in Connecticut is what prompted this post. I have been thinking a lot today about that, and a thought came to me which has been hard to get out of my head.

I am still on this earth. There are 20 sweet, innocent, beautiful spirits whose time on this earth ended all too soon. But it got me thinking, I am still here, so what am I going to do about it? I have been given an opportunity each day that I wake up to make a change, to make a difference, to be a force for good in the world. We all have. It's a crucial and important responsibility we have to be the best we can be, for ourselves and for others. To be the kind of person that makes a difference, that does what they can to make even a small positive change in this world that is so ridden with different kinds of evil.

We can't stop those acts of evil from happening, as much as we'd like to. We can't take away the pain from tragedies we, or people that we care about experience. But we can make an effort each day to be our best, and do our best for others. I want to be the kind of person who takes full advantage of the fact that today, right now, I have been given a precious gift: to be here. To be present. To make a difference. That means something to me, and I'm not going to waste another day forgetting that fact.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The little things...

It's that time of year again. When my home suddenly turns into the library, there are study groups that keep me on campus until it's dark and I have to speed-walk my little self back to my apartment because I'm not appropriately dressed for when it's cold at night.

But. All of that aside. There are little things that I am truly so so grateful for. We're talking all my heart and soul, grateful for. And when I stop to think about it, I am immensely grateful for the opporutnity to go to school, and kill myself during finals.

1) This girl (and her cute lil' sista). They are truly two of the most exceptional people I know and I am beyond blessed to have them in my life. And the fact that they feed me honestly once a week, at minimum. I LOVE THEM.

2)The fact that I get to move in with this girl. She is also one of those exceptional people. She's unfailingly kind, generous, funny, and loving. And she also feeds me often. So good to me.

3)That I get to go home in about a week to meals that include glorious carbs and sweet treats abound. I love my momma and the fact that she loves to spoil me with wayyyy too much food.

4) I get to be reunited with my best friend in the whole world, who has been living in France...I know...for the past bagillion years. Or four months. Same thing, right?


Long story short, I am one lucky girl. It's interesting to think about how great our lives are when we take a second and think about those little things.