Heyyo. So, this model right here is my mom. She's pretty great.
I wish there were words that could express the influence a mother has in their childs life. Their unique mixture of strength, example, wisdom and love makes truly astounding change in the moldable hearts, minds and spirits of their children. My mom is one of those such women, and has taught me innumerable lessons in my life. I've learned how to be brave, strong, caring, loving, how to make a mean gumbo and that you never go to a party without some kind of treat in-hand. I've learned that people who are the hardest to love need the love the most, and that through charity and love you can change lives. Thanks momma, and happy birthday. You're a remarkable person and I love you more than a warm Chicago Fire pizookie.
"Napoleon is quoted as having asked Madame Campan: “What is wanting in order that the youth of France will be well educated?” “Good mothers,” was her reply. The Emperor was forcibly struck with this answer. “Here,” he said, “is a system in one word—mother.”
I love you, mom. Happy Birthday :)